Place born
Organisation / Person

Hough, Victor

1931 - 2017

1931-2003, computer artist, United States, American

Mason, Maughan Sterling

1931 - 2003

1932-1991, industrial designer, German

Muller, Gerd Alfred

1932 - 1991

1931-2008, photographer, war photographer, British

Fincher, Terry

1931 - 2008

active 1932-1986, manufacturer of meteorological instruments, United Kingdom

Francis Barker and Son (1932) Limited

1932 - 1986

1931-2017, artist; painter; poster artist, wildlife artist, British

Shepherd, David

1931 - 2017

1930-1949, television parts manufacturers, British

Scophony Limited

1930 - 1949

active 1944-1954, laboratory apparatus & instrument maker, London, England

W and J George and Becker Limited

1910 - 1954

c. 1908-c. 1957, manufacturer of photographic film and accessories, England

Dufay-Chromex Limited

1930 - 1957

1930-1952, audio, phonographic products and magnetic recording manufacturer, Cleveland, United States

Brush Development Company

1930 - 1952

1931-1951, manufacturer,American

True-Vue Company

1931 - 1951

1931-1972, petroleum oil marketing, London, England, British

Shell-Mex and BP Limited

1931 - 1972

1930-2009, photographer, photojournalist, Japan

Nagao, Yasushi

1930 - 2009

1951-1961, lens, camera and film manufacturer, London

Ross-Ensign Ltd

1904 - 1961

1930-1976, transport company, Isle of Man

Isle of Man Road Services

1930 - 1976

1932-1997, aerospace and weapons manufacturer, United States, American

Hughes Aircraft Company

1932 - 1997

1930-1994, manufacturer of recording equipment, Arlington, United States

Ralph Gerbrands Company

1930 - 1994

active 1930-1942, camera manufacturer, London, England

Ensign Ltd

1930 - 1942

1945-1964, camera and optical instrument maker, East Germany

VEB Carl Zeiss Jena

1905 - 1964

1930-1978, surgical instrument maker, Paris

Charrière, Collin and Gentile

1930 - 1978

active 1930-1997, pharamcuetical manufacturer, British

Bencard Pharmaceuticals Limited

1930 - 1997

1931-1979, recording & consumer electrical/electronic goods manufacturer, United Kingdom

Electric and Musical Industries Limited

1931 - 1979

Lumb, Edna

1931 - 1992

1931-2001, active 1955-95, nuclear research scientist, British

Hall, John William

1931 - 2001

Billingham, John

1930 - 2013

Hall, John William

1931 - 2001

Dawson, Peter Henry

1930 - 2010

McCallum, Cheyne

1930 - 1991

1943-1945, army unit, British and Canadian

21st Army Group

1907 - 1908

1930-1999, astronaut and engineer, Philadelphia

Conrad, Charles

1930 - 1999

1932-1965, camera manufacturer, Russia

Gosularstvennyi Optiko-Mekhanicheskii Zavod

1931 - 1965

1932-mid 1990s, camera and optics manufacturer, Kharkiv, Ukraine


1932 - 1995

1932-1989, manufacturer of road and rail vehicles, United Kingdom

Metro Cammell Weymann

1932 - 1989

1931-1985, poster artist; illustrator, British

Cooper, Royston

1931 - 1985

1932-1984, printers and paper merchants, London

W.R. Royle and Son Limited

1932 - 1984

1930-1939, television manufacturer, England

Baird Television Company

1930 - 1939

1932-1999, photojournalist, United Kingdom

Finlayson, Graham

1932 - 1999

1930-1960s, camera manufacturer, Japan

Tougodo Optical Company

1930 - 1969

1931-2005, photographer, British

Godwin, Fay

1931 - 2005

1930-2008, photographer, artist, British

Arantt, Keith

1930 - 2008

1931-1988, artist, ethnic French Polish; British; English

van Ruyckevelt, Ruth

1931 - 1988

1931-1955, camera manufacturer, Birmingham

Standard Cameras Limited

1931 - 1955

1930-1979, steel manufacturer, Manchester

Lancashire Steel Corporation

1930 - 1979

1930-1998, manufacturer, Sheffield

Firth Brown Steels

1930 - 1998

1932-1964, camera maker, New York

Universal Camera Corporation

1932 - 1964

1932-1986, radio and television receiver manufacturer, London

Bush Radio Limited

1932 - 1986

1930s-1978, manufacturer of uniforms and helmets, England

J Compton Sons and Webb Limited

1930 - 1978

1932-1936, telephone and electrical equipment manufacturer, Liverpool, England

Automatic Electric Co.

1932 - 1936

1932-1966, manufacturer of x-ray machines, German

Siemens-Reiniger-Werke AG

1932 - 1966

colour film manufacturers; 1932-1954; USA

Cinecolor Corporation

1932 - 1954